Thursday, January 8, 2015

happy baby.

I truly just love being this little guys mommy.
He is the sweetest and most loving baby. He has started smiling and cooing in the last two weeks and I can't get enough of it!! He loves being talked to, cuddling with his mommy, and LOVES bath time!
Also, he has started to coo and smile while playing with the things hanging from his play mat and playpen. Being Tanner's mommy is the most amazing, rewarding, and natural thing I have ever experienced. I can't imagine life without him now and can't believe there was ever a time I didn't know his little face. He has stolen my heart and I don't ever want it back. He is my little love <3

Monday, December 8, 2014

....and she loved a little boy very, very much - even more than she loved herself.
-Shel Silverstein

Looking at our precious little boy makes me wonder about his life, what he will be like, what he will grow to be, what he will sound like, when will he take his first steps, his first words?
Out of all the wonders, I hope and pray one thing. 
That he is the happiest little boy.
It has almost been 2 weeks since his arrival and I wish time would slow down a little. I can already see little changes, his cheeks are getting chubbier, he has learned to grab the curtains next to his changing table, he calms when we talk to him and he hears our voices. All things I love so much and love to see. Exciting things that means he is getting so much personality and learning already, but it scares me all the same, I know time is gonna fly and we are on a fast moving ride. So for now Ill just sit and stare at him, soak it in as much as I can, listen to those little breaths and coos. I am in love. In love with this tiny person God has blessed us with.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

a perfect gift.

Last Tuesday I became a Mommy. 
I imagined how it would feel having a baby of my own, a child to take care of and love with all my heart. Now that I have experienced it, It is absolutely more than I could have imagined. I love our little baby Tanner with all my heart can possibly hold. It is an indescribable love. 
I am so overwhelmed by the details of our baby, God created and placed every eye lash, every wrinkle, every little feature on our baby boy just perfectly where it should be. I am amazed at the gift He has given us, this sweet baby boy that is perfect for us in every way. I am so thankful that He chose us to be little Tanner's parents, to love and guide him through life.